About the Library:
As both a public library and a school library, the Collingsworth Public Library, located in Wellington TX, is pleased to provide service to both the Collingsworth Community and the Wellington Independent School District. Our materials collection is made up of books for all ages, audiobooks, Texana (stories, historical records, and other related books relating to Texas) books, Spanish/English books, Spanish books, magazines, movies, and family resources. We also provide our patrons access to many digital resources including eBooks (electronic books) eAudio, periodical subscription services, and databases for use in research and learning. These resources can be accessed through our website, and can be used anywhere patrons have Internet access. In addition to materials, the library offers comfortable seating areas and work spaces equipped with public use computers, printing/scanning, coffee bar, and a courtesy device charging station. Patrons can access free wireless Internet on all library computers or use their own personal devices. Other areas within the library include public restrooms, a children’s area, an activity center, and an additional room for distance learning/zoom or small conference opportunities. Services for you at the Library:
Library cards:
Library cards are free to residents of Collingsworth County or the Wellington ISD. A current picture id is needed in addition to proof of a current local address such as a driver's license, electric bill, or water bill. A parent's signature and driver's license is required for children under 18. Circulation Policy:
Reciprocal Borrowing: Thanks to agreements among members of the Harrington Library Consortium, a library card issued at Collingsworth Public Library can be used at dozens of libraries around the Texas Panhandle, including the facilities at Amarillo College , Amarillo Technical Center, Clarendon College, Frank Phillips College , and Wayland Baptist University . Likewise, patrons who hold cards from any member library may check out most items from the Collingsworth Public Library. TexShare Program: TexShare cards are available to Collingsworth Public Library patrons and are honored when presented from other libraries. If you are planning an extended trip to another part of our great state, come by and pick up your TexShare card so that you can check out books while you travel. Interlibrary Loan:
Any adult library cardholder in good standing may request a book by Interlibrary Loan (ILL). We request the book from anther library and it is sent here. The patron checks the book out here and returns it here. |